About us

What is  titthinksitspeople?

Pretty much what it sounds like…

So… who am I? 

I am Heidi Leigh, Master Buppeteer.



apowl.com, vice.com, gawker.com, io9.comjezebel.com, metafilter.com, themarysue.com, mrskin.com, colunas.revistaepoca.globo.com, velvet.hu,

Audio interviews:

Jay Thomas (live on the Howard Stern channel), 96.5 the Buzz Morning show (scroll down to Feb 29th)The Big James Morning Show


(to help me pay for web fees, servers, markers, makeup and glue!)









9 thoughts on “About us

  1. WOW!!! Saw the article in Fangoria #314 and had to check out your site. This is the greatest! Two great things that go great together…tits and horror movies and, well, tits and anything. Love the Buppets!!!

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